Serving the George J. Mitchell and Albert S. Hall Schools of Waterville, Maine

Dear Waterville PTA community,

We are excited to share information about the Read Across America initiative, a wonderful program launched by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998. Its primary goal is to promote reading and celebrate the joy of books throughout the year. Here are some key points to help you understand and participate in this fantastic initiative:

1. Purpose:

Read Across America encourages students of all ages to engage with books, fostering personal growth and understanding by discovering different perspectives through the power of storytelling. The program emphasizes the value of reading as an essential tool for lifelong learning.

2. Annual Celebration:

While Read Across America is a year-round initiative, it takes center stage on March 2nd each year. This date holds special significance as it marks the birthday of the beloved children’s author, Dr. Seuss.

3. Diverse Books Challenge:

Read Across America actively promotes the exploration of diverse literature through the Diverse Books Challenge. By participating, individuals can find their own voices while learning from the experiences of others, promoting inclusivity and representation in children’s literature.

4. Featured Books:

Each month, Read Across America shines a spotlight on a curated selection of books for different age groups. These books celebrate diversity, culture, and unique perspectives. Some examples include:

  • Elementary: A Crown for Corina by Laekan Zea Kemp.
  • Middle Grade: You Are Here: Connecting Flights.
  • Young Adult: Invisible Son.

5. Educational Resources:

Educators, parents, and students can access a wealth of resources from the Read Across America promotional toolkit. This includes bookmarks, certificates of participation, and other materials designed to encourage reading and foster a love for books.

Remember, reading is a powerful tool that allows us to explore new worlds, understand different cultures, and connect with others. Let’s come together as a community to celebrate the joy of reading!

For more information and to explore additional activities, please visit the NEA’s Read Across America website.


Let’s make Read Across America a memorable experience for our Waterville community!

Waterville Elementary Schools PTA